
Showing posts from April, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War

I know that when I started this blog, I stated that I would alternate between new movies and classics. However, this week was special because I have been waiting so long for this film. This week is my review of the just released Avengers: Infinity War . Movie Poster for Avengers: Infinity War I had to say there were some doubts when this movie was showcased almost a year ago. I didn't know how well having this many developed characters all on one screen would worked. I'm pleased to say it worked out much better than I expected, and wouldn't expect anymore from the Russo brothers. Plot Infinity War  follows up on the several stories played out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and ties them all together- that's really all I can say without spoiling anything. From entrances to exits, mashing more than 15 prior movies plots and characters into one frenzy of a party. For those that haven't seen all (or most) Marvel films leading up to this, it might be a bi

Isle of Dogs

I decided to post this earlier in the week as I actually saw Isle of Dogs  last week. If you've never seen a Wes Anderson, this is a good place to start (any is a good place to start actually). Isle of Dogs  is just a fun movie to watch, dog or cat person alike. Even the name is creative (say it fast). I will state that I have a bias towards Wes Anderson, I love all of his movies. This review will be inherently bias, but it really is a great movie. If you need proof, my dad only likes action filled live-action movies, and he really enjoyed this movie. Plot Isle of Dogs  has a... unique background. Just the introduction alone is strange, and the way it informs the audience of the setting is far from normal. In general; there are cat people and dog people that have ruled the government. A specific dog only disease plagues the city and the government is considering deporting the infected animals. In all of this, a boy is looking for his lost dog. The plot has several twists and


A "Don" of mafia films, Goodfellas  was quite the ride for this week's classic film. Like The Godfather , Casino , and Scarface , Goodfellas  is probably one of the best films in the genre. Full of twists and turns, this movie was tense from beginning to end. Everything about it from the characters, plot, scenery, music, and all the mayhem going on was spectacular. Plot I don't even know where to begin, and this won't be easy to explain spoiler-free. The plot is based off of a true story. Henry Hill is a man that lived his whole life in the American-Italian mob. It tracks his life from start to finish on his wild journey through cover ups, jobs, and general mob life. His entire story is packed into a two and a half hour movie, and there is a lot to fit in. The plot, like a said above, was quite a ride. So much happens in so many ways, one minute you think you're watching a mob rendition of Ferris Beuller's Day Off  then ten minutes later it's

What Next?

After this week's review of Ready Player One , I thought we should continue the nostalgia train and go with a classic from the 80s or 90s next week. I couldn't decide, so you decide! Vote  here !

Ready Player One: Part 2

This part is a more in depth review of the major parts of Ready Player One.  The three major components in Ready Player One  I will look at are; the overall plot (no spoilers), characters, and scenery. Plot As far as overall plot Ready Player One  has a standard story line. The main character, Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), along with countless other people around the globe, play in a virtual reality simulation called the OASIS. In the game lies an Easter Egg, an in game secret, that gives ownership to whoever finds it. However, a rival company known as IOI, seeks to claim the OASIS for their own monopoly on the simulation world. Though the film's story line is fairly basic plot, there are plenty of twists and turns within it. The only comment I have about it is that the audience really doesn't have time to react to clues or mystery hidden within the plot. Although it takes place in the future, and is (obviously) a fictional story, problems tend to appear and (usually) are

Ready Player One: Part 1

This week I decided to sit and watch Ready Player One . Honestly, I have to say that I went in with very low expectations. Having seen plenty of video game movie adaptations most were average at best. Ready Player One , however, finally broke that streak for me. Overall the movie was put together quite well. It had a sort of Willy Wonka -esque plot to it, and I'm beginning to see others put together a sort of parallel between the two films. In short; imagine if Slugworth and Charlie had a duel over who would inherit the Wonka company, and all the kids that love chocolate didn't want Slugworth to win. Albeit they have similarities, Ready Player One would stand up on its own as it deviated from the Willy Wonka's plot, and added a very unique theme and structure to the film. As a movie-goer, I wouldn't recommend this film to those that aren't either an 80s and 90s nostalgic, or play video games. If you do go see Ready Player One  be sure to let me know your t

Take a Seat

Welcome to my blog; Take a Seat and Watch! This blog is all about movies. Each week I'll choose a movie and give a critique of it. Every other week will be a new movie just released in theaters, and in between will be a classic! When I critique a movie I won't be like those movie snobs that analyze it in a super serious way. I believe movies are for entertainment, but can have some pretty neat elements added to it for the experience. I plan on looking at the films as a whole and everything it has to offer; plot, characters, scenery, music, and anything else. Spoilers shouldn't be a problem, but if they are I'll let you know in the title. Thanks for stopping by, now let's take a seat and watch.