Ready Player One: Part 2

This part is a more in depth review of the major parts of Ready Player One. The three major components in Ready Player One I will look at are; the overall plot (no spoilers), characters, and scenery.

As far as overall plot Ready Player One has a standard story line. The main character, Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), along with countless other people around the globe, play in a virtual reality simulation called the OASIS. In the game lies an Easter Egg, an in game secret, that gives ownership to whoever finds it. However, a rival company known as IOI, seeks to claim the OASIS for their own monopoly on the simulation world.

Though the film's story line is fairly basic plot, there are plenty of twists and turns within it. The only comment I have about it is that the audience really doesn't have time to react to clues or mystery hidden within the plot. Although it takes place in the future, and is (obviously) a fictional story, problems tend to appear and (usually) are solved quickly.

In truth, the character roster for Ready Player One is quite basic as well. I will note that something that earlier video game movies tend to lack is character depth, which is something that Ready Player One actually has. Though it's about as deep as a kiddie pool, enough backstory is given on the main characters to actually give the audience a connection with them. One of them even has a whole biography of his life in the game, even if it isn't explored all the way.

I believe the casting of these characters may seem off here and there, but adds more to the atypical theme. They all do a phenomenal job, which is something else I did not expect coming from the cast. There are some notable faces in the cast such as Mark Rylance, Simon Pegg, T.J. Miller, and Ben Mendelsohn.

This is what I believe carried the movie; the scenery was fantastic. When inside the OASIS, the scenery was beautiful, colorful, and just fun to look at. When outside the OASIS, the scenes changes from colorful to a more gray base, giving off a dull sense of living in the real world compared to one that anyone could do anything in. There is one exception to this, and if you do see it I challenge you to look for it.

I can't emphasize how great I thought the scenery was in this film without spoiling the plot. The cameos, the pans, the nostalgia all packed on screen was amazing. Being a gamer myself, as well as a fan of some 80s and 90s nerd culture, it really hit home for me. There are few scenes out of all the movies I have ever seen that give me chills from pure monumental moments, and this movie gave me one. As a gamer myself I believe it had a bit of a bonus on me, but nonetheless it was still good.

Overall Ready Player One stands out, especially in the genre of video game movies. If you're looking for something fun and entertaining this is a movie for you. I recommend taking a seat and watching Ready Player One.


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