
Showing posts from April 18, 2018

Isle of Dogs

I decided to post this earlier in the week as I actually saw Isle of Dogs  last week. If you've never seen a Wes Anderson, this is a good place to start (any is a good place to start actually). Isle of Dogs  is just a fun movie to watch, dog or cat person alike. Even the name is creative (say it fast). I will state that I have a bias towards Wes Anderson, I love all of his movies. This review will be inherently bias, but it really is a great movie. If you need proof, my dad only likes action filled live-action movies, and he really enjoyed this movie. Plot Isle of Dogs  has a... unique background. Just the introduction alone is strange, and the way it informs the audience of the setting is far from normal. In general; there are cat people and dog people that have ruled the government. A specific dog only disease plagues the city and the government is considering deporting the infected animals. In all of this, a boy is looking for his lost dog. The plot has several twists and